
State of Oklahoma

Posted: Jan 10, 2023 5:50 AMUpdated: Jan 10, 2023 5:50 AM

Sen. Dahm Files Legislation to Strengthen Energy Sector and Promote Energy Independence

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Tom Davis
Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, has filed legislation to strengthen the energy sector and promote energy independence.
Senate Bill 202 would create a protection for internal combustion engines and SB204 would require companies receiving bailouts from the winter storm to implement certain grid-hardening measures.
SB 206 would approve the construction of a micro-nuclear plant in the state of Oklahoma.“Nuclear energy is safe, effective, and clean,” Dahm said. “We should be pursuing diverse but effective energy options in our state, not subsidizing ineffective energy like wind and solar.”
SB205 would create a state petroleum reserve, and SB210 would incentivize the creation of new oil refineries. 
Dahn said,“Rather than running our state into the ground and relying on other states for assistance, these bills will help prepare our state for economic downturns and also be as energy independent as possible.”

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