
City of Bartlesville

Posted: Jun 21, 2022 9:16 AMUpdated: Jun 21, 2022 9:16 AM

CITY MATTERS: Councilman James Curd

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Tom Davis
Bartlesville city councilman and vice-mayor James Curd appeared on CITY MATTERS in Tuesday. Curd talked about the city hiring new police officers, the feasability study for a possible need for a convention center and the Price Fields.
Vice-mayor Curd said the city is happy to announce the hiring process of  6 police officers to fill the role of School Resource Officers for Bartlesville Public Schools and the hiring of 2 mental health workers to assist officers in the field.
Curd then touch on the feasibilty study regarding the First Christian Church building to used as a possible convention center. He said the finding is that there is a need for something like that in Bartlesville, but what that will end up being is still not known.
Lastly, Mr. Curd said that the parents of youngsters that play baseball and softball at Price Field are talking with the city and others regarding the short season this year due to weather issues and how solutions can be best worked out in the future moving forward.

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