Washington County
Posted: Mar 22, 2023 9:44 AMUpdated: Mar 22, 2023 9:44 AM
Bartlesville Woman Arrested for Unlawful Entry
Elizabeth Dejanee Smith was arrested on Sunday night after she allegedly made unlawful entry into a residence on the 1100 block of SE Madison. According to an affidavit, Smith knocked on the victim’s door, asking to speak with the victim, but the door was answered by a third party that also lived at the residence.
Smith saw the victim walk into her line of sight in the house and pushed her way through inside trying to get to the victim. The victim told police that one of Smith’s friends showed up to the residence and pulled Smith out of the house, got her in a SUV and then left.
The third party in the home told police that he attempted to stop Smith from entering the house but was pushed and scratched by her. Police also identified a scratch mark on the third party consistent with their story. Smith was later arrested and is currently being held over on a $20,000 due to also having failures-to-appear on her record. Her next court date is set for Friday, March 24th.
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