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Posted: Aug 07, 2024 5:06 PMUpdated: Aug 07, 2024 6:08 PM

Adams Golf Course Has New Face

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Adams Golf Course Professional Jerry Benedict is retiring this month. Taking over on an interim basis while the City determines what to do with the course is Jason Dochney. Dochney moved to Bartlesville at the age of 12 and things have come full circle, as 38 years ago, he got his start cleaning the bathrooms at Adams Golf Course.


Dochney has two Class A Golf Professional Certifications. He started his journey back in 1994 and explains the process of what it takes to do that.


Dochney said while he is at the helm, he wants everyone to feel welcome to come out to the course.


The City hopes to have the comprehensive review and the results on the golf course completed sometime this month.    

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