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Posted: Aug 12, 2024 7:15 AMUpdated: Aug 12, 2024 8:15 AM

David Castillo Holds Free Basketball Camp on Tuesday

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A local basketball star is giving back to the community this week and coming back to town right before his first week of college.

David Castillo, now Kansas State men’s basketball freshman, will hold a free basketball youth camp at the Boys and Girls Club of Bartlesville on Tuesday morning and afternoon.

3rd-5th grade will go from 9:00-11:30 AM. The 6th-8th grade camp will be from 1:00-3:30 PM on Tuesday.

Participants are asked to register by 6:00 PM on Monday by contacting Nate Castillo at 281-785-2263 or email

The camp is free but limited to only 60 children per session.

The Bartlesville Boys and Girls Club is located at 401 S. Seminole Ave.

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